Lead authors: Renzo Lavin & Carolina Cornejo (ACIJ)
- Module 02
- Citizen Participation in the Audit Process
- Engagement Tools
- Planning Phase
Thematic workshops
Thematic workshops are a variant of participatory planning meetings, in which the call for participation is centered in a specific area (for example, an audit in the health care sector). A thematic approach in the implementation of strategies to engage with civil society encourages the participation of organizations specialized in particular topics or problems of public interest (such as health, education, public transport, and the environment) that can make a more focused contribution to the audit process.
At the same time, the engagement of CSOs tends to be more effective when they have clear incentives to participate. Whereas CSOs focused on issues such as governance, transparency, and accountability may be more familiar with the work of the SAI, that organizations focused on particular problems like the aforementioned likely are not aware of the role and mission of the SAI and the ways public auditing can contribute to improve the efficiency and performance of government in different areas of their interest.
Establishing a mechanism of engagement with external stakeholders from a thematic approach can contribute tremendously to improve the quality of audit reports, with the input of experts and CSOs that possess valuable knowledge of the sector and experience in the field.
Although the planning phase of the cycle is a good starting point for the SAI to get feedback from specialized CSOs and experts, the thematic approach can generate a sustained relationship with external stakeholders that can contribute to the audit work during all the phases of the cycle (planning, fieldwork, dissemination of reports, and follow-up of recommendations).
Goals of the mechanism
- To improve annual planning in specific areas of public interest
- To improve the planning of actual audit work
- To get feedback from specialized CSOs and experts during fieldwork and data collection
- To disseminate the findings and recommendations of audit reports among a specialized public
- To generate ownership of audit results by beneficiary CSOs that likely will monitor and demand for compliance of recommendations
Step by Step
1. Identify a relevant thematic area or sector |
2. Create a database |
3. Determine information to be produced and distributed |
Relevant documents may include mandate and functions of the SAI; previous audit reports on the corresponding sector (performance audit reports, financial and compliance audit), information about follow-up audits, and so forth. |
4. Define the purpose of the consultation |
For example, the auditors´ team working on health sectors might want to consult a CSO working on the same issue to gather audit evidence, discuss robust data collection techniques at the beneficiary level, seek reports that these CSOs have already produced, and so on. Once SAI finalizes the purpose, then they need to convene the consultation meeting. |
5. Send invitations |
6. Hold the workshop |
During the workshop:
7. Analyze Proposals |
8. Follow up |
Who can participate | Challenges and responses | Cases |
Challenge: Ensuring effective participation Responses:
Challenge: Advancing sustainable relationships beyond the workshop Responses:
Any comments? Please notify us here.
2015 Copyright - World Bank Institute & ACIJ
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